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Hockenhull Platts in 2016

I can report a wonderful year for birds, particularly warblers and owls, at the Hockenhull Platts reserve. Chiff chaff, black cap, whitethroat, sedge and reed warblers have been prolific and there have been at least two nests of rare spotted flycatchers. We have had at least five singing song thrushes again indicating a very good breeding season, and on Sunday 31st July, ten mistle thrushes including juveniles were counted feeding on short grass. There were at least five great spotted woodpeckers giving alarm calls in early spring and we saw evidence of breeding with young being fed from a nest hole close to the reserve footpath. There was also a sighting of a pair of lesser spotted woodpeckers as well as a single sighting of a green woodpecker. Barn, tawny and short eared owls have been seen regularly, the short eared owl being particularly welcome as it stayed for at least four weeks. Buzzards have bred on at least two nest sites, and over flying sparrowhawks and kestrels being joined by both hobby and peregrine. Three kingfishers were seen at the same time recently again indicating a good breeding season. Little grebes (dabchick) have done well, but the great crested grebe pair’s nest was swamped by wave action in May. I also saw a family of 2 female and 27 juvenile tufted ducks on the Gowy in mid July, swimming along together in what appeared to be an organised family crèche. A maximum number of seven common and one jack snipe were present through the winter but sadly didn’t stay to breed.

Our otters seem to have moved away from the artificial holt on the Gowy, but there have been two recent sightings, and a spraint seen near the middle bridge, to indicate they are not too far away. There have also been regular sightings of brown hare, and an occasional one of a weasel.

Wild flowers, rushes and grasses have all benefited from the warm wet summer, and following the grazing of the wet meadow by six delightful redpoll cattle, about sixty common spotted and two early purple orchids were seen. Some meadow flowers such as ragged robin, lady smock and marsh marigold, seem to have lost out to the dramatic growth of reeds, grasses and rushes, which in some cases have reached an unprecedented 2m in height. Dragonflies such as the brown and southern hawkers have been displaying well, together with good numbers of common darters. The beautiful banded agrion damselflies have again been prolific and there have been good numbers of common blue and blue tailed damselflies, and three sightings of large red damselflies which seems to indicate, that they have established a breeding group at The Platts.

Despite the success of all the above, the bad news is that there have been only a handful of butterflies to record. There have been plenty of both large and small whites, but only a few gatekeepers, small tortoishells, meadow browns, speckled woods, comma, and just single sightings of purple hairstreak, small skipper, holly blue, painted lady, peacock and red admiral. I guess that the wet conditions haven’t been conducive to these delicate insects breeding and staying on the site.

Hockenhull is a fascinating reserve with lots to offer. However it is a fairly fragile environment, and this summer has been the wettest season I can remember. I am happy to show people around the reserve, which is best seen in spring and early summer. If you are interested please get in touch with me through the website.

  • Branded Agrion

    Branded Agrion

  • Buzzard


  • Chiff Chaff

    Chiff Chaff

  • Common Spotted Orchids

    Common Spotted Orchids

  • Dabchick


  • Great Spotted Woodpeckers

    Great Spotted Woodpeckers

  • Kestral


  • Kingfisher


  • Peregrine Falcon

    Peregrine Falcon

  • Red Damselflies

    Red Damselflies

  • Redpolls


  • Short Eared Owl

    Short Eared Owl

  • Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

  • Spotted Flycatcher

    Spotted Flycatcher

Hockenhull Platts in 2016

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