This month I am presenting some of the research evidence conducted by the late John Hodge and Margaret Croston in 1994 into the work of the first Parish Council in Christleton. It makes interesting reading and gives us insight into Village Life of that era. In this instance selected entries between 1939 1952. I have provided additional information in italics where it might clarify detail. The full accounts will be found in the Cheshire Archives & Local Studies files in Duke Street Chester
23rd October 1939
Letter to be written to the Rural District Council about the unclean habits of evacuee children in the Parish. ( These children were from St Patrick’s RC School in Liverpool.)
12 May 1941
Surface Air Raid shelter on Village Green; Alternative site near Old Hall recommended to the County Surveyor. (There were air raid shelters around the village, the biggest in Sandrock Road to accommodate all the schoolchildren. Log books suggest that the children spent a lot of time in these shelters. Air raid, gas mask drills, and lectures were held each day.)
14 March 1941
Information given on extension of the 1939 act - no public elections of Rural Parish Councillors. Vacancies through death etc, by the parish council concerned.
Clerk to inform RDC of Parish’s keenness to give all support to Chester & District War Weapons week.
27 December 1945
First increase in Clerk’s salary from £5 to £10 pa agreed from 31 March 1945
4 June 1946
Victory celebrations for Parish Children; allowance of 1s 6d per head accepted from Cheshire County Council. ( Food rations were always adequate but never plentiful so these special celebrations were very important.)
17 August 1948
Joint Meeting with Littleton Parish Council on progress towards 5 acre playing field.
22nd May 1950
Christleton Playing Fields Association to be asked to mark Festival of Britain by official opening of Ling George V Playing Field.
23rd August 1950
Survey of public footpaths to be carried out, under National Parks and Countryside Act 1949.
22nd January 1951
Request to RDC for a public convenience near Trooper Inn (Not granted)
30th May 1951
Clerk asked about effective action to prevent car parking on land fronting Stile Cottages.
Acceptance of quote for comprehensive third party insurance policy in sum of £10,000
6th October 1952
Littleton PC to be invited to participate in organising Coronation Celebrations in June 1953
Christleon War Memorial 1939-45
Christleton ARP Team
Christleton Home Guard
Christleton Men WWII
Air Raid Shelter
WWII Memorial
Gas Mask
Boys School, Christleton
WWII Gas mask
Old Farm Village Road, Christleton
Girls and Infants School. Christleton
Village Road, Christleton
Old Rectory, Christleton
Millwoods Stores, Christleton
Smithy in Plough Lane, Christleton
Christleton - Village Road
St James Church, Christleton
Pepper Street, Christleton
Stile Cottages, Christleton
Milk Cart in Skips Lane, Christleton
Water Cart in Village Road, Christleton
Butchers Shop, Christleton
Christleton Canal
Christleton Village from the air
Sadlers Stores, Christleton in 1960's
Rowton Bridge, Christleton
Christleton Village from Manor House Garden
View from St James Christleton
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