For the next few months I will be presenting some of the research evidence conducted by the late John Hodge and Margaret Croston in 1994 into the work of the first Parish Council in Christleton. It makes interesting reading and gives us insight into Village Life of that era. In this instance selected entries between 1907- 1939. I have provided additional information in italics where it might clarify detail. The full accounts will be found in the Cheshire Archives & Local Studies files in Duke Street Chester.
May 1907
Plans submitted by National Telephone Company were approved.
19 October 1908
Resolved that the Parish Council should see if an agreement can be reached with the Lord of the Manor and Capt. Currie, to enable an iron fence to enclose Birch Heath Common, so that any freeholder can exercise the right conferred on them by the Christleton enclosure award.
Clerk to send letter of protest against County Council doing away with bridle path leading from Christleton to Chester.
District Council to be made aware of exit of foul gas from ventilating shafts opposite the girls school.
Cheshire County Council to be asked for motor car danger post at the corner of Littleton Village.
18 April 1910
Last meeting attended by Rev. Canon L. Garnett
3 January 1917
Clerk to write to Hon Sec County War Agricultural Committee on distribution of seed potatoes, and on what and may be available.
March 1918
Following a letter from RDC on salvage of waste articles, Joe Mosford offered space at his slaughter house for old bottles and tins. (Recycling isn’t new!)
Nov 1918
Request to R.D.C. to allocate 12 of 150 cottages to be built.
April 1919
Sanction given for the erection of a Parish War Memorial on the Village Green.
(This took a further 4 years and the memorial place on the Church not Village Green)
Question of Peace Celebrations discussed.
October 1919
Resolved sub committee to be empowered to deal with renting a suitable field for allotments. The field opposite rectory of 1 ¾ acres taken over for 29 allotments.
January 1920
PC protests at RDC scheme for purchase of a fire engine; water pressure insufficient; only of benefit to parishes immediately adjoining the city.
November 1920
RDC to be requested not to proceed with plan for building of 36houses in Christleton; 5 built and 5 building already. (better and cheaper)
April 1921
Parish Councillors thanked Mr J Cullimore on his retirement after Chairmanship since 1894
July 1921
Silting up of the Pit discussed.
April 1922
Sanitary Authority to display bills on risks of loose tipping of ashes and household refuse in various places; burn as much as possible; remainder at the tip adjacent to Christleton Pit.
Government’s new Rating Bill discussed. Petition by National Association of Assessment and Rating Authorities signed.
April 1926
Lighting Discussed. Not entertained owing to excessive cost.
March 1928
Parish Council to take out Fidelity Guarantee for £100 premium of 10s
March 1929
RDC letter on advisability of refuse removal by the local authority- more information to be obtained on costs and definition of household refuse. (RDC scavenging not recommended.
March 1930
Town Council’s attention drawn to the damage to curbing by “bad turning” of the Corporation motor buses.
June 1930
Road widening at the canal bridge and removal of trees would disfigure the village. PC to recommend at least a postponement.
Proposed new road from Little Heath Pits to Whitchurch Road by Rowton Bridge unnecessary- new ring road will be most adequate. Copies of resolutions to Town Clerk, Cheshire CC and Ministry of Health.
March 1933
Attention of Cheshire CC, Chester RDC and police to be drawn to nuisance of gypsies’ encampment on Christleton Common.
March 1935
Draft proposals of Cheshire CC ; resolved to support Chester RDC and oppose the creation of the enlarged West Cheshire Rural District.
April 1935
Joint Jubilee Celebration Committee formed for Christleton, Littleton and Rowton.
Additional electric lamps agreed for Christleton Hall gateway.
March 1937
5d in the pound to be paid to the Coronation Celebration Committee for the Parish.
Retirement of Mr CJ Owen Clerk, (Since Dec 1894- 41years service)
October 1937
Christleton Playing Fields Scheme; Public Meeting to be held.
April 1938
Report by Chairman on Public Meeting about Air Raid Precautions. (Months before War broke out!)
December 1938
A telephone box was very necessary; to be erected at Chester end of Durban Avenue.
September 1939.
Diversion of Christleton to Huntington footpath agreed, following War Department purchase of land at Huntington. (Saighton Camp)
“Terrible speed of some motor vehicles and motor cycles through the village.” County Council to be asked for 30mph speed limit. (Nothing changes.)
Next Month. Unclean habits of evacuees, the war years and new Playing Fields.
MP visiting - Village Green, Christleton
Queen Victoria's Jubilee, Christleton
Edward VII Coronation in Christleton
Coronation Parde in Christleton
Christleton Flower Service in 1908
Canon Garnett Procession 1908
Garnett Wedding in Christleton
Triumphal Arch for Miss Gardett, 1910
Death of Canon Garnett in Christleton
St. James' Church, Christleton in 1910's
Christleton Bellringers led by Joesph Mayers
Christleton Village Band
Mayers Family of Builders in Christleton
The Old Post Office, Christleton
Old Post Office in Pepper Street, Christleton
Pepper Street Christleton in the snow
Old Farm in Pepper Street, Christleton
Old Farm in Village Road, Christleton
Olod Farm in Vllage Road, Christleton
Reg Morgan, photographer
Mr Shepherd & Family Whale Oil Merchant
Birch Heath ane, Christleton
The Trooper Inn, Christleton
The Old Smithy, Christleton
Rail accident at Christleton
Quarry Bridge, Christleton
Haymaking in Christleton
First Christleton War Memorial which later collapsed in a gale
Millwards Stores in Christleton
For the first time I have introduced some computer generated colourized photos for the Christleton Website. Although I am a big fan of black and white photography I hope this will add a little extra to your interest in the history of the village of Christleton.
My experiments up to now in colourizing seem to prove that some old photos more than others lend themselves to this process.
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