I’m concluding my short series about the High School, tracing some of the Plays and Musical Productions taking place there since 1959. The accompanying list might not be complete or accurate, but I have based my research on old programmes, lists and photographs. I would be delighted to hear of any omissions in order that I can correct the list. I have been delighted to see many of these productions myself from the first two Oliver and My Fair Lady in 1968, when I was a young teacher at Oldfield School. These were really inspiring, and were a great encouragement to me in my career, and indirectly responsible for me becoming Headteacher at the Primary School.
It was there that I became involved with the High School, and arranged many joint productions with the school staff and peripatetic Cheshire County music team, including at different stages, Winston Barraclough, Angela Major, Nicky Mawson, Howard Kane, Adrian Rushforth, Tony Lewis & Julia Williams. The Charles Mack concerts were inaugurated in 1988 after the sudden death of Rector Charles Mack and his son Anthony, with the intention of enhancing the music at both schools and to raise funds for charity each year. We also involved the West Cheshire Schools Concert Band, and various ensembles from the High School. These included the Christleton High School Senior & Junior Choirs, the Strings Group, the Wind Group and School Orchestra, as well as many talented soloists. The Primary School provided an enthusiastic choir each year, and also several talented soloists. One former pupil, Amy Hark, had recently won a Sir Yehudi Menuin scholarship to Chethams Music School in Manchester, and returned to play her viola, accompanied by Janine Lu, also a pupil at Chethams. Amy played the Violin Sonata in G Major by Mozart. Natalie & Hannah Goharriz were also superb violinists from the Primary School who contributed to several of the concerts.
These were always well supported and happy, memorable productions thanks to the efforts of so many staff and students. Proceeds went to St James’ Mission School in Leh, Ladakh, The World Wildlife Fund, Music In Education, West Cheshire Concert Band, The new Music block at the High School, Cancer Research, Guide Dogs for the Blind and many other local Charities.
The list of productions that follows, shows the great talent and versatility that the students at Christleton have always had. Each production had a purpose, and involved students and staff, not only in the teamwork needed for performing, but the behind the scenes team, set designers and painters, costumes, make up and hair. There would always be a front of house team, programme sellers and refreshment providers. Everyone had a part to play and with the exception of a number of years when circumstances meant that productions couldn’t take place, there have been one or two productions every year, allowing Junior and Senior students at the school wonderful opportunities for expressing their talents. Christleton High School has a great tradition of Theatre and Musical Theatre, and is currently led by Simon Phillips Head of Performing Arts, who continues to inspire youngsters, and give them the opportunity to gain valuable life skills across the medium of the arts.
Charles Mack Concert Mrs Angela Major
Charles Mack concert for Cancer Relief String Orchestra
RAF Band at High School
RAF band at Christleton High School
High School students Millenium Production
High School Production at Neston High School 2000
Christleton High School Play at Neston
High School students deliver Millenium Book to Neston High School
Christleton High School Production of Oliver
Christleton High School 1989
Christleton High School Musical Godspell
Christleton High School, Oliver 2013
Christleton High School Forbidden Planet Poster November 2014
Christleton High School The Lion King, June 2015
Christleton High School Joseph & A T C D November 2017
Christleton High School production of Our House November 2015
Christleton High School production of Mary Poppins, June 2018
Christleton High School production of Rent November 2018
Christleton High School production of 20. The Adams Family March 2019
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